All You Need to Know About Black Teeth


Progressive discoloration or blackening might be affecting your facial aesthetics, but it could be something more serious. Ignoring the changing shades of teeth could lead to permanent loss of natural teeth. Some teeth discoloration with age is natural as enamel weakens and decalcification exposes the dentin. 

If left ignored for long, progressive discoloration will make your teeth appear black. Although blacking of the teeth could be due to other factors, such as nerve damage or injuries, you should consult your dentist in Ryde immediately to protect your teeth. 

The dental structure is highly complex, so when you are searching for a dentist in Gladesville you should prioritize experience and reputation. A trained dental care professional of Ryde and Gladesville will not only protect your teeth but restore natural whiteness to help you smile with confidence.   

What Are the Symptoms of Black Teeth?

Progressive staining leading to black teeth starts with the development of brown or gray spots on the surface of the teeth. If not treated in time, these spots will be a breeding ground for bacteria, making your teeth lose natural whiteness and turn black. 

One very common symptom of black teeth is the development of a black line on teeth below the gum line. 


If you are not maintaining standard oral care practices, like brushing, flossing, mouthwash, then excessive bacterial growth and acid formation will lead to tartar formation of teeth. If not removed in time, it will make enamel weak leading to tooth decay. If you notice a change in the natural shade of your teeth, you should call your dentist in Ryde to seek proper treatment at the earliest.  


What Causes Black Teeth? 

Teeth blackening happen progressively, so you will see it happening over time. You can find the best dentist in Gladesville, who will examine your teeth first and let you know about the possible cause and the suitable black teeth treatments. 

Extrinsic Factor 

Teeth whiteness depends on oral hygiene. So extrinsic factors triggering teeth discoloration could be your food & drink habits. If not cleaned regularly, it may lead to staining and tartar deposition. Another extrinsic cause could be the faulty placement of orthodontic devices.

Intrinsic Factors

As the name suggests, discoloration begins from inside and moves outwards. It could be due to nutritional imbalance, demineralization, and nerve damage. If your teeth have developed cavities, it could make your teeth appear black. 


What Are the Treatments for Black Teeth? 

Prevention is better than cure, so practice a standard oral care regimen to maintain the natural whiteness of your teeth. Visiting your dentist in Ryde twice a year is the best solution as he will keep your teeth plaque and tartar free. But if you have developed black teeth, a thorough examination would be required to start proper treatment. Once the cause is known, your dentist will recommend the following treatment for black teeth: 

Treating Tartar 

Your dentist will first remove tartar deposits from the surface of teeth using advanced tools without affecting the natural enamel. If the deposit is rigid, you might have to visit more than once. 

Treating Decay 

For intrinsic causes, regular cleaning and scalping might not help. Your dentist might recommend removing decayed tooth parts, and root canal treatment to remove the damaged pulp. In some extreme cases, tooth extraction might be the only option to protect surrounding teeth and gums. 


Healthy teeth ensure a healthy life, so ignoring progressive discoloration isn’t an option. It is not just about aesthetics, but saving your teeth. Consult your dentist in Gladesville and discuss possible black teeth treatments. He will restore natural whiteness, but keeping them white is in your hands.  

All You Need to Know About Black Teeth All You Need to Know About Black Teeth Reviewed by phpMyPassion on 10:22:00 PM Rating: 5

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