All You Need to Know About Dental Implant Failure


When it comes to restoring missing teeth, the dental implant procedure is one of the most trusted options very high success and satisfaction rate. Unlike other restorative procedures, dental implants are highly stable, but it also fails early due to failed Osseo integrate or late due to loading. Your dentist in Joondalup will explain in detail the possible factors causing dental implant failures and how dental implant failure could be prevented. With proper care, you will have a highly functional and aesthetically pleasing false tooth, but if it somehow fails you should dial an emergency dentist in Joondalup to get it fixed without discomfort.   


Symptoms of Dental Implant Failure 

Dental implants give a solid foundation to the crown, but they could fail due to several reasons. In most cases of failure, it is due to mal-positioning of the implant leading to delayed fusion with the jawbone. Some other reasons are advanced bone degeneration ailment, implant fracture, and integration failure among others. However, if you could notice possible signs of failure you could control the damage. Here some of the signs of dental implant failure to be aware of before you call an emergency dentist in Joondalup:  

Severe Pain and Discomfort

Mild pain in the early days after implant fusion is normal, but if pain persists or worsens you should consult your dentist in Joondalup immediately to manage pain and make adjustments if required.  

Gum Recession

Wrong positioning of the implant could trigger gum recession. So, if you are noticing inflammation around the gum line, you should inform your dentist.  

Chewing and Biting Challenge

A well-fitted implant will work perfectly, like a natural tooth enabling trouble-free biting and chewing. But, if you are experiencing mild pain and discomfort while eating, you should consult your dentist in Joondalup to make necessary adjustments. 

Loose Implant

Dental implants are all bout natural stability and strength, so if your implant wobbles you should better get in touch with your dentist at the earliest to prevent dental implant failure. 


Whatever is the cause, dental implant failure could have a serious impact on your dental structure. So, don’t waste your time waiting for implants to settle naturally. Call an emergency dentist in Joondalup immediately to prevent failure, as ignoring it could make things worse.  


Factors to Consider Before Consulting Dental Implant Specialist

The titanium screw of a dental implant takes time to fuse, so any mistake during recovery could cause implant failure. Your top priority while searching for a dentist in Joondalup for a dental implant restorative procedure should be the quality of the treatment. The cost of treatment matters, but saving a few dollars is not a wise move, especially when the procedure is invasive and takes time to heal.  


You should look for a dentist with a track record of delivering quality dental implant procedures. You have to visit the clinic several times, so you should look for a facility equipped with advanced equipment and support assistants. For dental implant failures, it is always better to consult the same dentist, but if not possible you should consult someone experienced to handle such cases. 


The dental implant procedure is costly, so you should look for a dental clinic that offers a comprehensive package comprising tooth extraction, replacement, and bone augmentation. In some cases, the patient might require tissue and bone grafting, so your dentist must have training and experience to deliver the best. 


Almost all dental clinics make tall claims, but you should be very careful while looking for a dentist in Joondalup as the dental implant is a highly complex procedure. Although dental failures are rare, you should take all necessary precautions to prevent failure. Follow infection control, hygiene, and care instruction as suggested by the dentist and consult an emergency dentist in Joondalup immediately if you see signs of dental implant failure.  

All You Need to Know About Dental Implant Failure All You Need to Know About Dental Implant Failure  Reviewed by phpMyPassion on 10:15:00 PM Rating: 5

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